Summer skin care: Experts recommend foods that can help fight acne

Summer means more days and more time spent outside, but it also means sweat, humidity, and unsightly breakouts. Acne on the face and body is extremely common in the summer months. While flare-ups are undoubtedly uncomfortable, they are also highly treatable. Acne is often associated with external factors such as age, hormonal changes, a positive family history and pollution. Certain substances that come into contact with your skin, such as greasy creams or lotions, cell phones, helmets, and tight collars on your neck can also cause acne. However, diet plays an important role in preventing or curing acne.

Acne affects about 80% of people between the onset of puberty and the age of 30. India is expected to affect 23 million people by the end of 2026 with a compound annual growth rate (compound average growth rate) of 0.5%. To combat this, it is essential to examine the diets of teenagers and young adults, as they are most susceptible to acne. As a dermatologist, I recommend that, in addition to a balanced diet, to maintain our body functions, the following: summer food Add to food to provide relief from both heat and acne.

Fruits like guava and papaya are rich in vitamin C, which helps prevent acne inflammation and is found in many skincare serums. In addition, vitamin C is known to be a powerful antioxidant that promotes collagen production in the skin. Lemon is also a great source of vitamin C in summers.

(Also read: 5 summer fruits to eat for soft and glowing skin,

Fruits provide many nutrients for skin health

According to studies, acne was significantly improved in patients who consumed 30 grams of high-fiber breakfast cereals (13 grams of fiber/serving) every day. The exact mechanism is unknown, but it may reduce the dietary glycemic load. Oatmeal, beans, apples and carrots are simple ways to increase your fiber intake.

Additionally, chickpeas are high in antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory properties, have a low glycemic index, and act as a pH balancer, all of which contribute to the regulation of the skin’s sebum production. Chickpeas are delicious in salads, dips and even in traditional Indian dishes. Speaking of lettuce, tomatoes are not only a high source of the antioxidant lycopene, but also vitamins A, C and K, which help clear acne and improve skin quality.
On the other hand, pumpkin is an attractive ingredient in Indian cooking; However, it has far-reaching benefits for the skin. Pumpkin, which contains niacin, beta-carotene, riboflavin, B6 and folate, increases blood circulation and aids in the treatment of acne. It is widely available during summer and can be eaten both sweet and salty. Pumpkin seeds are also high in antioxidants, zinc and fiber.

Yogurt and plant-based milks such as almond or soy milk can also be included in your acne-fighting diet. Yogurt can help prevent acne by reducing inflammation and IGF-1 levels found in milk. A bowl of curd not only keeps pimples away in summers but also helps in reducing body heat and improves digestion.

However, the easiest way to deal with acne during summers is to increase your water intake; It helps to eliminate toxins and bacteria from the skin, thereby reducing the chances of clogging of pores. Increasing your water intake helps in lowering blood sugar levels, which helps in preventing acne blemishes on the skin in the summer heat.

While the foods and ingredients mentioned above are helpful in fighting acne, there are many foods that should be avoided during summers. Here are some foods to avoid if you want to say goodbye to breakouts and say hello to beautiful skin.

1. Sugar and sugary drinks
2. Cereals with a high glycemic load (such as white rice, flour, cornflakes, etc.)
3. Whole or Skimmed Milk
4. Fast Food
6. Processed food (soda, chips, etc.)
7. Whey Protein Isolates

(Also read: These are the superfoods that are amazing for our skin,

Although we all desire to have soft, smooth and supple skin, most of us do not have it. Our daily food choices have a significant impact on the condition of our skin. So, to avoid unwanted pimples and breakouts this summer, keep these summer treats ready in your fridge.

Bio of the author: Dr. Somodyuthi Chandra is a Consultant Dermatologist at Medica Superspecialty Hospital

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