Suprescription for Uniform

Let’s join Babul Supriyo Active recently. (photo photo)

New Delhi:

Ex date babel Supriyo claims updated for your update, you will be updated forever. Connect with your spouse. He wrote, “I have broken ties with BJP for India and I have confirmed it long ago, I am not like those people who stick to their MP seat even after changing party, I am not going to do this. It seems like this again and again. Bang

this also further

Supriyo checked 20. They typed in for the member to be updated for the post-update update for the update. Supriyo said, “Weird person was supposed to belong to him. Talking about this problem.

Sources said that the Lok Sabha Secretariat says that Supriyo has not sought time to resign in the letter. It was updated after the state was updated. Suitable for permanent resident.

(news said)


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