For the country CJI U. afasya

Judge Judge N. 49 CJIs in Contribution to India on August 27, a day after V.…

Former Supreme Court judge RV Raveendran becomes mediator in Lalit-Bina Modi property dispute

Both the sides of the matter advised to go for arbitration without any pre-conditions and with…

Appointment of 35 appointments for appointments in High Courts

The meeting on 25th November will develop as the Judge in Punjab and Haryana High Court…

Media trials affect independence of judiciary: CJI | India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Unusually alert Media To avoid trial and frivolous campaigns against judges, the Chief Justice…

“without the flag

A meeting of Ayo was held in Agra New Delhi: Superifur ko r face e na…

Judiciary accountable to ‘only constitution and constitution’: CJI Ramana

Chief Justice NV Raman expressed disappointment that even after 75 years of independence, people have not…

Two is Too Much: The Hindu Editorial on AIADMK Leadership Struggle

Madras High Court relief in AIADMK O. Can’t stop Panneerselvam’s marginalization Madras High Court relief in…

Police officer took action in Nagpur

Nupur Sharma reviewed the meeting Town: This does not happen in the case of transmission of…

A docket full of unresolved constitutional matters

These include important questions about state power, accountability and impunity, and cannot be left hanging by…

Pegasus probe will reverse the ‘chilling effect’

The complacency of the government in the espionage case is worse than its alleged involvement in…