Free legal aid for families of COVID-19 victims on Human Rights Day

The group of lawyers and doctors behind the initiative say they want to take this service…

India reports 11,919 new covid cases, 470 deaths in last 24 hours

The number of active cases of infection has increased to 1,28,762. (file) New Delhi: With 11,919…

Register 853 new cases of corona in the west, 15 Jan Nei Jaan

symbolic picture. quota: The Western Health Department said on Thursday that 853 new cases of 24…

Covid-19: Gene found in humans linked to doubling risk of virus deaths

UK scientists have identified a gene in the human body that doubles the risk of dying…

data | ‘Excess deaths’ during pandemic in India was 5.8 times official COVID-19 death toll

The “excess deaths” recorded during the pandemic period were 5.8 times the official COVID-19 death toll…