TRAI proposes rating buildings based on digital infrastructure

New Delhi With the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) proposing to create a regulatory framework…

TRAI asks to change building codes to allow ‘digital connectivity infrastructure’

Image has been used for representational purpose only. , Photo Credit: Getty Images The Telecom Regulatory…

India-South Korea enhance bilateral partnership

Seoul has great potential to be the fourth pillar in New Delhi’s Indo-Pacific strategy Seoul has…

FY23 budget will help in implementing National Education Policy: PM Modi

The NEP was launched in 2020 with the aim of revising and revising all aspects of…

Distance learning was inaccessible for most children, says survey

According to a new national sample survey by ICRIER and LIRNEAsia, a think tank focused on…

In the Quad, creating habits of collaboration

Institutionalization of the organization has begun and this is an opportunity for India to work with…