An unconvincing response: on crypto assets and regulation

Regulatory clarity on crypto assets should be accompanied by tax on traders profits One of the…

Winter is here: On India’s diplomatic boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics

Games in China have acquired political importance both domestically and globally. On the eve of the…

A Dose of Realism: The Post-COVID-19 Rise Omicron . Feather

Disease prevention with COVID-appropriate behavior and vaccination still needed The head of the World Health Organization…

Royal excesses: on governors and borders

Governors should act within constitutional norms and not as agents of the Centre. West Bengal Chief…

A Dose of Realism: The Post-COVID-19 Rise Omicron . Feather

Disease prevention with COVID-appropriate behavior and vaccination still needed The head of the World Health Organization…

Big on expectations, low on ideas: Union Budget 2022-23. Feather

Budget aims to focus on infrastructure and connectivity, but lacks proposals that boost growth Finance Minister…

One more: On Nadal’s Australian Open win

In a great sports career, there comes a moment that completely encapsulates the tireless efforts of…

Further unrest: On Air India’s takeover by Tata Group

All the managerial expertise would be required to turn Air India into a successful purchase Tata…

Risky bets: on Russia, Ukraine and hopes of a diplomatic solution

Remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei LavrovAfter receiving a written response from Washington to Moscow’s security…

Limit of power: On suspension of Maharashtra MLAs

Supreme Court gives a reminder that the House must operate within constitutional standards In ruling that…