Include these five nutritious dishes in your diet to help in weight loss

You don’t necessarily need to make major changes to your diet, but you do need to…

5 delectable varieties of idlis that will up your food game

Idli is a beloved South Indian dish that can be had as a snack or as…

6 Foods That Cause Bloating You Should Avoid (And Tips to Reduce Bloating)

Have you ever felt that uncomfortable bloated feeling with excess gas and abdominal discomfort? If so,…

Healthy Lifestyle: 7 Must-Have Foods To Include In Your Diet For Better Health

It is very difficult to keep yourself fit with today’s lifestyle. From not eating enough food…

Diet for a Happy Mood: 5 Nutritionist-Recommended Foods to Improve Your Mood

Do you often find yourself drowning in a tub of ice cream or eating a bowl…

Looking for a homemade dessert? Try This Simple Bread Mawa Roll Recipe

Last Update: February 22, 2023, 13:57 IST So, without further ado, let’s start with that. It…

AIIMS will now serve boiled eggs, gram, fruits and healthy things in the canteen

While deep-fried snacks have always been a popular snacking option among Indians, the ill-effects of consuming…

Lose Weight: Post-Workout Snack Recipes for Exercisers

edited by: Riya Ashok Madayi Last Update: January 26, 2023, 17:58 IST Due to its whole…

Exclusive: Stay Fit and Slim – Try These 5 Low-Calorie Recipes for Effective Weight Loss

Are you watching your weight but tired of eating the same old food every other day?…

Health Benefits Of Cashew Milk: 5 Reasons Why You Can Include It In Your Diet

Vegan diets are gaining in popularity as more and more people are learning about health, the…