Include these five nutritious dishes in your diet to help in weight loss

You don’t necessarily need to make major changes to your diet, but you do need to make some healthier choices for food.

Subtle tweaks like starting a high-protein and fiber-rich diet and reducing carbohydrate intake can help with weight loss.

A healthy diet and a few lifestyle changes can help you achieve your weight loss goals faster. To reduce those extra kilos, you have to pay attention to your diet and physical exercise routine. It may seem daunting at first, but you’ll get used to it slowly. You don’t necessarily need to make major changes to your diet, but you do need to make some healthier choices for food.

A subtle tweak like starting a high protein and fiber rich diet and reducing carbohydrate intake can help you in your weight loss journey.

Here are 5 nutritious foods that can aid in weight loss:

Veggie and Hummus Sandwiches

A veggie and hummus sandwich makes a great fiber-rich lunch. Hummus is a spread or dip made by mixing cooked and mashed chickpeas with tahini, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. You can use it with any kind of bread or in a sandwich. Take a few slices of multi grain bread and spread hummus on all the slices. Add vegetables like capsicum, cucumber, lettuce, onion and tomato slices to make a delicious sandwich.

Oats Porridge

We all know that oats are healthy and should be a part of our regular diet. You can eat it either in the form of porridge or just make porridge out of it. To make it healthier, you can add lentils and vegetables to it. Just add chopped carrots, onions, cauliflower, tomatoes, french beans and some chillies. You can also add garlic for extra flavor.


Upma is a delicious and healthy dish that you can make in no time. It is a wholesome meal option made of lightly toasted semolina, green peas, carrots and onions and lightly tempered with mustard seeds and curry leaves. Green peas are high in protein and low in calories. It is loaded with vitamins K and C, manganese and fiber.

Oats Dosa

Replace the rice component with oats and you can cut down on your carbs intake. Unlike normal dosa, oats do not require soaking. You can add a small quantity of soaked urad dal along with oats for binding. Make a batter by mixing urad dal and oats together. Let it ferment for 10-12 hours. You can make oats dosa and serve it with sambar and coconut chutney.

Besan Chilla

Besan ka cheela is made from gram flour (gram flour), onions, tomatoes, herbs and spices. You can add finely chopped or grated vegetables to enhance the nutrition of the dish. Have it for your breakfast or lunch.

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