An Outreach to Tribals That Checks All the Boxes

‘Tribal Pride Day’ is a part of the steps being taken to secure the culture and…

Jharkhand Foundation Day 2021: All you need to know

15th November is Jharkhand Foundation Day. The beautiful state which is located in the north-eastern part…

The descendants of Azad Sangram burnt the effigy of the awarded race in the program of rebellion for independence

The Office of the Manager’s Office The Office of the Manager’s Office The Office of the…

The enduring relevance of Nehru’s legacy

Every day Indians rule themselves in a pluralistic democracy, this is a testament to their actions…

The scorching rays of Assamese nationalism

Darrang incident is not a lone wolf act but leads to strong and underlying anti-Muslim sentiments…

Marathwada Liberation Day 2021: All you need to know about the historic day

Marathwada Liberation Day 2021: This day is observed to mark the anniversary of the region’s joining…

Remembering Amrit Rai, the ‘Raj Kapoor of Hindi literature’

Munshi Premchand’s younger son Amrit was an important writer, translator and biographer in his own right.…

Series of programs for the Amrit Mahotsav of Azadi

To celebrate the 75th year of independence of the country, the state government has prepared a…

Rape and Insensitivity: On the Story of Violence Against Women

Women’s safety should not be based on restrictions on their rights and freedoms The story of…