Watch: Forest official shares video of caged leopard being released into the wild

As soon as the officials open the cage, the wild cat runs away towards the forest.…

How a leopard was rescued from a well in Karnataka, in an official cage

The leopard was released back into the wild (Representational) Mangaluru: A one-year-old leopard who fell into…

Watch: Leopard’s adventurous climb on mango tree goes wrong

After eight hours of effort, the leopard was rescued amidst a huge crowd of onlookers. A…

Watch: Leopard rescued from open well using “Mohenjodaro Harappa technology”

The location of the incident is yet to be ascertained. Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Sushant…

to play games in the well

to play a game in the well to play a game Click on social media on…

Video: Leopard trapped in plastic container rescued in Maharashtra

The head of a leopard cub was found stuck in a container on Sunday night. In…