Watch: IAF pilot skillfully navigates Sukhoi Su-30 MKI to refuel in air

The Indian Air Force has some of the most capable and skilled fighter jet pilots that…

India should ask Beijing and Washington DC to exercise restraint

Was it inevitable for US House Speaker and senior Democrat Nancy Pelosi to visit Taiwan at…

Risky bets: on Russia, Ukraine and hopes of a diplomatic solution

Remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei LavrovAfter receiving a written response from Washington to Moscow’s security…

US to discuss military exercises, missile deployment in Monday’s Russia talks

The Biden administration’s efforts are an attempt to defuse tensions with Russia, which has deployed nearly…

re-squaring in the heights of the Himalayas

Beijing seems to have taken Modi’s prescription of 2014 as ‘inch ki mile’, rather literally on…

Turkey’s foreign policy following in Ottoman footsteps

Ankara may soon realize that domestic divisions and economic fragility will determine its regional influence In…