BF.7 variant of COVID-19 not a concern for India, assures senior scientist Rakesh Mishra

Official sources said on Wednesday that three cases of Omicron subvariant BF.7, apparently affecting the current…

Omicron BA.4, BA.5 Have Delta Mutation: Should You Be Concerned?

INSACOG on Sunday confirmed the first cases of Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 in India. A 19-year-old…

New way to map the spread of omicrons: the sale of cough drops

As governments around the world begin to limit testing COVID-19The humble throat drop can become a…

Omicron can also infect vaccinated individuals: 7 symptoms to watch out for

The omicron type of coronavirus is considered immunocompromised, therefore, you can still be infected if you…

Omicron Symptom: Beware of Pain in These 2 Spots

Identifying an omicron from common symptoms is an impossible task. Firstly, patients infected with the COVID…

‘Sputnik V 75% effective against Omicron, if…’

The Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine is 75% effective against Omicron, vaccine developer Russia’s Gamalya Research Center…

Gujarat curbs on COVID; Event venues can operate at 50% capacity

The Gujarat government on Tuesday decided to impose new COVID restrictions in the state in view…

2,716 fresh Covid cases reported in Delhi, 51% higher than yesterday

Image Source: PTI The total number of active cases now stands at 6,360. Highlight Delhi recorded…

Omicron COVID version: Omicron risk remains ‘very high’, says WHO World News – Times of India

Geneva: Overall risk associated with new form of anxiety omicron stays “too high”, World Health Organization…

UK Deputy PM “Misspoke” On Omicron Hospitalization Count: Report

British Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said that 250 Omicron patients were in the hospital. Sky…