बच्चा भीड़-भाड़ वाली जगह पर दिखाता है नखरे और लगता है रोने, तो इस तरह सिचुएशन संभाल सकते हैं माता-पिता 

How To Handle Child’s Tantrums: इस तरह बच्चे के सार्वजिनक जगह पर रोने को चुप करा…

Experts Talk About Things That Will Help You Make A Strong Relationship With Your Children – News18

Most parents in life try to foster a special bond with their children, the feeling of…

Parenting tips : सद्गुरु से जानिए पेरेंट्स को क्या गलती बच्चे की परवरिश में नहीं करनी चाहए

बच्चों को खुश रहना सिखाएं. वहीं, आप बच्चों को प्रकृति के साथ समय बिताने के लिए…

Does your child brush his teeth properly? here’s what you do right away

Children seem very lazy when it comes to brushing their teeth. But you should teach your…

4 Phrases Parents of Highly Successful Adults Never Used When Their Kids Were Young The Times of India

Even if you don’t understand your child’s passion or know where it will lead, you have…

Is your child suffering from digital eye strain? here are some tips

During the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone’s life was hidden behind the scenes. Not only adults, but children…

Tips to improve your child’s social skills

To help them connect with others and expand their social circle, here are some things you…

For Young Parents: Sudha Murthy How to Raise Your Kids

Sudha Murthy is an inspiration and inspiration for every new age parent. She is not only…