Pooja Makhija shares a glimpse of healthy omega and protein supplements; to keep track

Fish is a food item for many people across the country. There are countless ways to…

How to make my hair grow longer: Mekhija recounts a state of inactivity for the Phantom

for pregnancy care special things Post fall is a common problem across the world. this is…

Do you want your hair to grow fast? Include these 3 ingredients in your diet

If you had bad hair or are suffering from hair loss, you may only wish that…

Weight Loss: This Homemade Protein Bar by Pooja Makhija is Healthy and Delicious

Protein is one of the most essential building blocks of the body. It helps in repairing…

High-Protein Desserts: This Rajgira Crunch Bar Is Just the Healthy Dessert You Need to Make Today

When it comes to dessert, we’re always looking for a chocolate-filled pastry, brownie, or maybe some…

What should I eat before swimming? Celeb Nutritionist Pooja Makhija Reveals

Between the scorching heat and the record-high temperatures, swimming becomes our favorite pastime. Many of us…

By far the best advice for skin care: As the weather turns bad, Prabhat and Evening from the experts

, special things Learn Why do it in the morning? About a new era. How to…

How to eat Indian Thali the right way? Celeb Nutritionist Pooja Makhija Reveals

Homemade Indian food is fast emerging as the healthiest food we can possibly consume. Eating simple…

Want relief from menstrual cramps? This Salad Recipe by Pooja Makhija Can Help

Food has been known to have healing properties since ancient times. A common saying explains this…

Pooja Makhija’s Healthy Avocado Spread Recipe Might Be Your Favorite Choice

Most of us like to have toasted bread and butter or jam for breakfast. And, when…