The AOC denounces capitalism as the pursuit of profit at all costs, run by a wealthy minority. – Henry Club

Capitalism ‘not a system redeemable for us’: AOC says capitalism does not benefit vast majority of Americans and is a system run by a wealthy minority

  • US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said capitalism does not benefit most Americans and is ‘not a redeemable system’

US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said capitalism was “not a redeemable system” for Americans and represented a “quest for profit at all costs” driven by an elite minority.

Democratic Socialists of New York gave the slogan US economy during an interview with of yahoo finance Andy Server explained Thursday that it was controlled by a small group of capitalists who make money and ‘don’t have to work.’

‘They can control our labor. They can control the big markets they dictate and governments can take over,’ she said.

‘And they can inevitably take on many. And to me it is not a redeemable system for the vast majority of us to be able to participate in prosperity and peace.’

US Representative Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez said that capitalism is not a system that benefits Americans

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Ocasio-Cortez also said that capitalism was flawed at its core, saying, ‘To me, capitalism at its core, which we are talking about, is the absolute pursuit of benefits over all human, environmental and social . Cost.’

She said that under capitalism, the power of a nation rests with an elite and wealthy minority, calling on billionaires Charles Koch and David Koch, whose families own nearly $100 billion and hold onto the fuel and oil industries. Is.

‘If it ultimately comes down to a billionaire or the Koch brothers or the Koch family, who control the vast majority or the vast majority of our oil assets in the United States, if it controls a handful of very wealthy families—you You know, he said, that the private family controlling the means of production is essentially the capitalist system we live in.

‘This is a small group that has privatized control over what we eat and how we fuel our society.’

The representative of New York then explained the options for companies to do business with the employees they hired, pointing to ideas discussed by Progressive US Senator Elizabeth Warren.

‘For example, as Elizabeth Warren discusses workers elected to the governing boards of companies … you can have markets where trade and the way of producing, trading, selling goods are really controlled and not Not only do they control but also give them more power. staff.

‘People get a fair jolt. Union jobs, unionized workplaces, these are all different steps and levels we’re talking about in a more just economy,’ she said.