The first 2,407 incidents of corona occurred in Kerala in 24 hours, 110 cases of oven in Maharashtra

Decision has been taken for 729 from 1st November

New Delhi:

in the country corona Among smallpox (coronavirus), Kerala (Kerala) has the highest number of infections with 2,407 cases. This information has been issued further. With the arrival of 2407 new deals in Kerala, the number of arrivals will soon increase to 52.21 lakhs. Twelve, after 3,377G are transition free, the number of arrivals is 51,61,800. The state is particularly deadly. He had an increase in 11 out of 115 people. How did the last infection occur in Kerala with the maximum number of 505 cases of infection. 424 cases are reported from Ernakulam and 227 from Kozhikode. 24,501 during regular walks

this also further

1485 new cases of corona in Maharashtra, two people killed with mike in Aurangabad

New events will happen in Crisis-19. The death toll and number of infected person in the state is 409. The state health department has reported two diseases and one case each in case of infection. 31,657 while running up to 70 in transition. Daily infection rate, by post

Lethal numbers of pathogens potentially infect. As per the information published by the state department, Karnataka also has 24 hours 246 live updates. In future the number of such people can be 29,58,630. The working number of Kovid-19 in Karnataka is 7,271. The maximum number of 152 cases have been reported in the Bengaluru region. In Karnataka, 97,782 investigations were conducted. A total of 5.59 tests have been conducted so far. The rate of infection is 0.27 percent, the death rate is 1.48 percent. So far 8.45 crore have been lost in the state during the Kovid-19 pandemic.

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This may happen in the case of the new kind of new situation in Maharashtra. The department gave this information. The department had continued a permanent function which was 57. People with ailment disease were sick and they were sick. The age of a person is 50 another person is 33 years old. A person who came in contact with an individual patient from Connect to an individual person was also in contact with the patient.

To be called for 729 Investigations from 1st November.

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