The heavily modded Game Boy Advance SP will be commercially available: Details

The team that created the heavily modded Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP last month says it has added even more new features to the handheld game console. Macho Nacho Productions insisted that these new revisions are “the last mod your Game Boy Advance will ever need.” Called The Thicc Boi SP, it will be released as a commercial kit in the next few months. In a new video on YouTube, one of the team members – Tito – explains the installation process in detail and gives an idea of ​​what Game Boy Advance SP users are up to after the new kit goes on sale.

NS New Way That includes a large 4,500mAh lithium-polymer battery (7x more than the one Nintendo originally included), Bluetooth audio, and wireless charging. makes great batteries Game Boy Advance SP Even with the LCD display, it can last up to 20 hours on a single charge. However, some users may still be put off by the thick backpack.

Watch the step-by-step modding video here:

Given the good response the creators have received for their previous mods mentioned in August, they are confident they have found a product that can be released to the community. While the installation process is likely to be quite difficult, the kit looks attractive and anyone with a little soldering experience should be able to do it. The use of a bespoke flat flex cable and a custom PCB to pull all the necessary hardware together also helps with the installation process. Unfortunately, it’s not a plug-and-play upgrade to the Classic Nintendo to console.

The current prototypes appear to have been 3D printed in resin. Tito said logistical challenges in molding the rear panel in ABS plastic to look more professional, and the high upfront cost, are holding back the kit’s release. A crowdfunding campaign is expected to be launched soon to overcome this. According to Tito, The Thicc Boi SP project has been going on for a year.


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