These are 4 false alarms for a miscarriage

Pregnancy is an extremely delicate phase, especially during the first three months. During this, many changes and changes in mood are seen in women. They also encounter some incidents that make them wonder that things are not well inside. The biggest threat is abortion. However, sometimes false warnings of miscarriage are also given. If there is a history of miscarriage, the couple goes through extreme anxiety and stress. The slightest change in routine will scare them. While there are some signs that need attention, others are common.

In this article, we’ll touch on some of these false alarms that are commonly misread as miscarriages.

  • Pregnant women may see blood stains while urinating. Since bleeding is a sign of miscarriage, you may go into panic mode. But it is not the same in all cases. During pregnancy, there is increased blood flow near the cervix which can sometimes lead to spotting. However, if you notice heavy bleeding or pass a piece of tissue along with the blood, there could be a possibility of pregnancy loss. If spotting concerns you, consult a doctor.
  • Cramps during pregnancy are also normal and do not represent anything serious. Cramps are caused by the expansion of the uterus, which leads to stretching of the ligaments and muscles. Whenever you move, change position, sneeze or cough, you feel pain in the lower abdomen. But if there is a lot of bleeding along with the pain, then consult a doctor immediately.
  • It is possible that pregnancy symptoms may disappear and reappear on their own. Reduction in pregnancy symptoms such as bloating, food cravings, mood swings and breast tenderness may worry you. But in most cases there is nothing to worry about. Even in the 12th week of pregnancy, the symptoms may subside.
  • To make sure the pregnancy is healthy, doctors often test levels of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). As the pregnancy progresses, the level of hCG increases. In most cases, the hCG rises every two or three days during the first trimester. Low hCG is sometimes associated with false pregnancies but a drop in hormone levels in the early days is normal.

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