This is why you need the right mattress to sleep well

Sleep problems keep some people awake while the rest of the world is falling asleep. On average, a human spends 25% of his life in bed. Your mattress has a lot to do with whether it’s time spent sleeping happily or twisting and turning.

With so much of your life spent in bed, it stands to reason that getting enough sleep and having a comfortable mattress are linked and will help you avoid back trouble and improve your health. Learning about better sleep practices, mattress recommendations, and the role of insomnia in chronic pain can make your nights (and mornings) significantly more enjoyable.

How does a mattress affect your sleep?

The way your mattress affects your sleep is through a network of tiny blood vessels known as capillaries that run under your skin. A mattress that relaxes the pressure spots on your body should provide you with a better night’s sleep. But when you lie on your back on a bad mattress for too long, your body loses oxygen and nutrients. This causes nerve cells and pain receptors in your skin to transmit a signal to your brain. Rolling over improves blood flow to the area, but it also creates a temporary interruption in your sleep.

An old mattress often sags or leans in the middle, where we put the most weight on it. When this happens, we may experience lower back discomfort, stiffness, or muscle strain.

Old mattresses can also cause hygienic problems. Ten million is the average number of sleep mates you have on any given night. These microscopic dust mites feast on dead skin cells and dump on your bedding. These variables can trigger allergies, which can disrupt your sleep.

How can a good mattress help fix your sleep problems?

Investing in a new, high-quality and good mattress can help you solve all the difficulties listed above.

A medium-firm mattress has been shown in studies to reduce chronic low back pain and enhance sleep quality. However, research on mattress strength is limited, making mattress strength primarily a matter of personal preference.

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