Threat of suspension by FIH if Pakistan fails to participate in Nations Cup: PHF

The Pakistan Hockey Federation (PHF) is at risk of being suspended by the sport’s world governing body (FIH) as it struggles to meet its commitment to send its men’s national team to the FIH Nations Cup, the qualifying tournament for the Pro League. doing.

On Saturday, several prominent former captains and Olympians including Islauddin Siddiqui, Samiullah, Asif Bajwa, Rana Mujahid, Rashid ul Hasan, Manzoor Junior, Hasan Sardar appealed to the government to release funds to the PHF so that it could send its team. Potchefstroom in South Africa.

The FIH Nations Cup is set to begin on November 28 and the PHF has made it clear that Pakistan could face a possible ban and heavy financial penalty from the world body if it is unable to send its team for any reason.

In 2019 FIH fined PHF 170,000 Euros for not sending its team for the inaugural Pro Hockey League held in Argentina.

The cash-strapped PHF managed to pay the fine only in instalments.

A senior PHF official said that Pakistan recently participated in the Azlan Shah Cup in Malaysia after the federation managed to raise funds through donations and some sponsorship as the government did not release any money.

“We are in a very bad position because now we don’t have the funds to send the team to South Africa and if we can’t do that then the FIH can not only suspend us but also impose heavy fines,” he added. ,

Another source said that Pakistan’s foreign coach, Dutchman Siegfried Ekman, was also not happy with the situation.

“He is upset because these financial issues are hindering the development and progress of the team which managed to win a bronze medal in the Azlan Shah Cup.

Government and its sports wing, Pakistan Play The board has refused to release funds to PHF as they have appointed a fact-finding committee to conduct fresh elections.

The government also did not recognize the recent elections of the PHF in which Brigadier (Retd) Khalid Sajjad was re-elected after losing nearly 10 years in power.

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