To keep the society healthy, the officers of Delhi Police celebrated the special celebration of Shuru.

New Delhi:

In today’s run-of-the-mill life, everyone wants to keep themselves fit, but due to one reason or the other, they are not able to do so. One of the reasons for not being able to do this is one’s own loneliness. In such a situation, it always seems that there is a group or a partner who always motivates and pushes us to stay fit. If you also think like this then this is good news for you. In fact, an officer of Delhi Police along with some of his colleagues has started a warrant whose aim is to keep everyone healthy and fit in the society. Going by the name of ‘Dwarka Express Runners’, this group today includes doctors, police officers, serving army officers and unemployed officers, businessmen, lawyers, bank officers, even housewives.

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Ajit Kumar, one of the founder members of the ‘Dwarka Express Runners’ group, who is also a Delhi Police officer, said that the group was started in 2017. In the beginning, only a few family and friends were associated with this group, but with each passing year, the number of members with this message kept increasing. Today this group is one of the biggest group in Delhi. Ajit Kumar told that the aim of our group is to achieve fitness of people’s life.

He told that ‘Dwarka Express Runners’ announced ‘Dhoti Pratishtha Khata’ on Sunday. In which a large number of people participated. Medals were given to all the delegates who took part in this competition. The main objective of organizing Ghoti Adhikar Run is to bring Indian culture and tradition in front of the new generation. We want our young generation to understand our culture as well and add it to themselves. During this race, men run in dhote kurtas, while people who assert their rights join the race.

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