Travel: Top 5 Houseboat Destinations in India

India is a country that offers a wide variety of experiences. From grand palaces and forts to spiritual experiences, it has everything. And if you are still looking for something different then you also have the option of houseboats. They are boats that are modified to be used as a home. While houseboats are usually stationary, there is another type that can be propelled in water.

Here are the top 5 beautiful houseboat destinations in India:


Houseboats in Alappuzha, Kerala

When it comes to backwaters and houseboats, the first destination that comes to mind is Kerala. The houseboat known as Kettuvallam is quite popular among tourists in the state. Alappuzha (Alleppey), Kumarakom and Kovalam are the best places in Kerala for houseboat adventure.

Dal Lake, Srinagar

Houseboats in the beautiful city of Srinagar
Houseboats in the beautiful city of Srinagar

if you are going India In summers and want to go on houseboat tour, Srinagar should be your destination. The houseboats on Dal Lake are dreamy and there is nothing like watching the sunset from the comfort of your floating accommodation.


houseboat in assam
houseboat in assam

Assam is one such state in India which is known for its picturesque hill stations. The state is famous for its tea gardens and the Brahmaputra river. You can take a houseboat cruise down this river. The best part? You get to see river dolphins and migratory birds while on the water.

Udupi, Karnataka

Udupi, Karnataka
Udupi, Karnataka

Swarna River is the only backwater in Karnataka with a houseboat option. Tours include cultural communities, tours of coconut farms, farms, and other sightseeing. The houseboats are lavishly furnished and give any luxury hotel a run for their money. However, budget options are also available.


houseboat in goa
houseboat in goa

While Goa usually brings the image of parties and nightlife, you can also experience houseboats here. And the best part? Most houseboats accompany parties in their itinerary. You get to do water activities, get an authentic experience of Goa and enjoy the luxury and comfort of your own houseboat.

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