Tried Coriander Upma? Here’s a quick recipe for this healthy dish

Tired of the same old simile? Let’s face it: Most of us are bored of eating these “healthy breakfast recipes” every day. But we have to do it, don’t we? Well, one idea that can make things better is to give a new twist to these recipes. You’ve probably heard that people add a variety of ingredients to Poha to bring it alive. You can do something similar with Upma as well. There are many varieties of upma you can try – some are not even used rava, But if you are a fan of classic upma, then you must check out our recipe for coriander upma. This upma is green in colour, full of flavor and delicious in taste. Sure to become your new favourite.
(Also Read: Want to Lose Weight? Try This Protein-Rich Poha For Your Next Breakfast,

What is Dhaniya Upma? kothmeer upma | Kothamalli Upma?

In this upma, rava is used like a regular upma. It also includes other common upma ingredients like curry leaves, onions, Mustard seeds and cashews. however, what makes this upma stand out is its green color and strong coriander flavor. While we usually add chopped coriander while making upma, in this recipe the leaves are also used to make a paste like chutney. This green chutney is then added to rava and cooked together to make upma. Sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Check out the recipe below:
(Also Read: 5 easy and delicious ways to make green chutney at home,

For this upma recipe, you must first prepare a fresh green chutney. photo credit: iStock

South Indian Breakfast: How To Make Coriander Upma | Quick Kothamalli Upma Recipe

  • To make green chutney, mix chopped coriander, green chillies, lemon juice, sugar and salt.
  • Dry roast the rava, curry leaves and cashews on a medium flame. When the rava turns light brown, turn off the gas.
  • Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds along with urad dal. When it starts crackling, add chopped onions, salt, sugar and Asafoetida (Hing). Fry till the onion becomes transparent.
  • Add roasted rava to the pan. After 2 minutes add green coriander chutney and mix well.
  • Add 2-3 cups of hot water and keep stirring continuously. Squeeze some lemon juice and let the upma cook on medium heat.
  • Serve hot garnished with extra chopped coriander.

Click here for the full recipe of Dhaniya Upma

(Also Read: The brilliant hack to remove coriander leaves from the stem has been viewed 147 million times,
This unique upma is healthy, tasty and easy to prepare. If you already love the flavor of coriander, this recipe is a new way to enjoy it! Bring some newness in your breakfast by making this upma tomorrow. For more upma varieties, see this List of Quick Upma Recipes, Did you accidentally buy too much coriander? Read on to know How To Use Extra Coriander (Dhaniya) To Make Delicious Dishes

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About Toshita SawhneyToshita is inspired by the play of words, wanderlust, awe and alliteration. When she’s not blissfully thinking about her next meal, she enjoys reading novels and walking around town.