Try These 3 Lifestyle Tips to Balance Vata Dosha

New Delhi: These energies control various processes, including controlling the mind, body and diseases you are likely to contract or the diet you should be eating.

One of these energies is the vata dosha, which controls physical movement and motion related processes. Ayurveda attributes Vata to our capacity for both physical and mental adaptability. It controls our nervous system, bones and hearing ability. It is the energizing power of body and mind. Here are three lifestyle tips:

Include almonds in your diet. In general, sweet, sour and salty foods are excellent for balancing Vata. These flavors are considered in Ayurveda as a medicine for correcting Vata imbalance as they exert the properties of heat, moisture and heaviness/groundiness to encourage regular digestion and balance Vata.

For a healthy body composition, it is generally recommended to consume foods that satisfy all six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent). Almonds are one of the foods that can help in balancing the vata dosha.

Almonds are commonly referred to as “vatada,” “badam,” or “vatma” in Ayurvedic texts. They are considered to be “sweet” or sweet, and have “snigdha” or atypical qualities, and are known as “vatahara” and “pitta kar” in reference to their action on the doshas (dosha karma).

Almonds work best for pacifying Vata dosha due to their post-digestive sweetening and warming properties. In addition, they support all the seven dhatus (tissues), especially the Shukra dhatu, and lubricate the skin and the subtle circulatory channels (reproductive tissue).

Practice Yoga: Yoga that pacifies the Vata dosha can balance all the doshas and bestow radiant and radiant health. The asanas which are better suited for Vata balance should be naturally calm. These asanas help reduce symptoms of anxiety and correct imbalances such as body aches and constipation.

Some asanas you can practice daily include Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose), Balasana (Child’s Pose), Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) and Ustrasana Huh. camel pose).

Adding Ashwagandha to your diet: Many natural herbs have vata-optimizing properties. The herb Ashwagandha is famous for its many ayurvedic health benefits. Vata dosha imbalance is usually the cause of stress, which often manifests as irritability, insomnia and fear. According to studies, taking Ashwagandha powder by balancing Vata reduces the signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha, which is usually taken in powder form, can be diluted with water or warm milk and honey. However it is always recommended to consult your Ayurvedic doctor for its exact dosage before consumption. This combination supports the reproductive system, builds strength, and balances Vata before sleeping. It also promotes good sleep patterns.