Try This 2-Minute Mental Health Workout for Better Productivity

Simple breathing exercises can help busy professionals increase productivity and concentration (Image: Shutterstock)

Significant stress at the workplace can adversely affect performance, productivity as well as emotional well-being

Back-to-back meetings and conferences are a standard work life practice for busy professionals these days. Busy schedules can be stressful both mentally and physically. Significant stress at the workplace can adversely affect performance, productivity as well as emotional well-being. If you lead a similar lifestyle, it is imperative for you to take a break to focus and relax. To help manage daily stress and burnout, therapist and counselor Sarla Totla recommends an easy two-minute mental workout. Simple breathing exercises can help busy professionals increase productivity and concentration.

In an Instagram video, Totla said, “You go from meeting to meeting without any break which makes you tired by the end of the day. Here’s a simple two-minute breathing exercise that you can do in between your meetings. It will help you reset and re-energize your mind.” She adds, “You’d be surprised how this simple exercise can relieve your stress and improve your focus and performance. Add this to your tight work schedule today and see the results.”

Follow these easy steps given below:

  • take a deep breath
  • inhale, pause, release
  • repeat 10 times

Earlier, Totla shared ways to help someone suffering from social anxiety disorder (SAD). SAD, for those who don’t know, is a mental health condition that can cause anxiety when having social interactions. People with SAD feel uncomfortable when speaking in public, interacting with strangers, making eye contact, going to social gatherings, etc.

Here are some suggestions suggested by Totla:

  • Be patient and ask them what they need. Give them time and space to feel and heal.
  • Focus on their feelings and triggers, not how it makes you feel. Avoid criticism or blame.
  • Encourage treatment by a mental health specialist and help them recover.
  • If anxiety flares up, try distracting them with relaxing activities such as a walk or playing a sport.
  • Praise the small steps in their recovery process. Voice how proud you are of them.

Totalla ended the post with a message that read, “Help others understand and how to navigate this.”

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