UK artist turns a dustbin into a tiny house

Skip House, designed by Harrison Marshall.

Expensive real estate in London and the dearth of available space are frequently in the news. A symbolic answer to this problem has been developed by a London-based architect and artist.

Harrison Marshall, an architect, recently made headlines after posting photos of his dumpster-built miniature home on social media. The Skip House is his extremely modest home, which only cost him $4,800 to build and has a dumpster as its foundation.

According to Guardian, Marshall is the co-founder of Cockin Studio, a construction and architecture social enterprise.

Harrison Marshall, 28, moved into a specially adapted skip a month ago on a patch of grass in Bermondsey, south London, explaining it was the only way he could live in the central area where he works.

Marshall told news agency Reuters, “As happened to thousands of people in the city and across the country, the prices went crazy. The rent was crazy.”

“And even if I found somewhere that was in my price zone, there would be 100 other people out there or looking for that room.”

“Skip House” is the classic yellow container usually used for builder’s waste emblazoned with black.

“Skip gave me the opportunity to build my own little house,” he said.
An arts endowment gave them the land. It has a garden path leading up to the entrance staircase and a portable toilet in the corner of the site. He showers at work, a 10-minute bike ride or to the gym, and accesses water from a hose pipe from a neighbor’s property.

He said, “Actually all the neighbors are wonderful. Everyone is very helpful. I have neighbors come over and bring home food.” “It’s a huge bonus to the whole project that there’s a really cool community in this area.”

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