UK study shows vaccinated people easily transmit the delta variant

Delta coronavirus virus can be easily transmitted from vaccinated people to their household contacts, a British study found on Thursday, although contacts were less likely to become infected if they had been vaccinated themselves.

The Imperial College London study describes how the highly permeable Delta variant can spread even in a vaccinated population.

The researchers underscored that did not undermine the argument for vaccination as the best way to reduce serious illness from COVID-19 and said that booster shots were needed.

They found that the infection cleared more rapidly with vaccination, but the peak viral load remained the same as without vaccination.

Dr Anika Singanayagam, co-lead author of the study, said, “By frequent and repeated sampling from contacts of COVID-19 cases, we found that vaccinated people can become infected and transmit the infection indoors. , including members of the vaccinated household.” .

“Our findings provide important insights into … why the delta variant is causing high COVID-19 cases numbers around the world, even in countries with high vaccination rates.”

The study, which enrolled 621 participants, found that out of 205 household contacts of people with delta COVID-19 infection, 38% household contacts who were unvaccinated tested positive, compared to 25% of vaccinated contacts. Went on

Vaccinated contacts who tested positive for COVID-19 on average received their shots much earlier than those who tested negative, which the authors said was evidence of reduced immunity and the need for booster shots. used to support.

Imperial epidemiologist Neil Ferguson said the delta’s transmittance meant it was unlikely Britain would reach “herd immunity” for long.

“It could happen in the next few weeks: if the current transmission of the epidemic peaks and then starts to decline, then by definition we have reached herd immunity in some sense, but that is not a permanent thing,” he told reporters. Said to.

“Immunity wanes over time, it’s imperfect, so you’re still getting transmission, and that’s why the booster program is so important.”

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed. Only the title has been changed.

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