Uncontrolled appetite may have many consequences for obese teens: Study

New research being presented at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Dublin, Ireland (17-20 May) suggests that teenagers who are obese and who claim that hunger is preventing them from losing weight (hunger -obstacle ALwO) have a more negative perception of their weight and worry more about it than children who do not see hunger as a hindrance.

The international study also found that women are more likely to be in the ALwO of hunger barriers and more inclined to claim that being bullied because of their weight makes them unhappy. Additionally, they are willing to actively try to lose weight.’ Dr. Bassam bin-Abbas from the Department of Pediatrics, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and colleagues sub-analyzed data from Action Teens, a global study of experiences, care, and treatment. Adolescents Living with Obesity (ALwO), their caregivers, and their healthcare providers.

The survey-based study, which is being conducted in ten countries (Australia, Colombia, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey and the UK), aims to raise awareness about the management, treatment and support of ALwO. have to improve. , It has been previously found that uncontrollable hunger is the biggest obstacle in weight loss.

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Data on 5,275 ALwO (12–17 years of age), 5,389 caregivers of ALwO and 2,323 healthcare professionals (HCPs) were included in the sub-analysis. ALWOs were grouped based on survey answers to questions about barriers to weight loss: those in the “appetite-obstacle ALWO” group (1,980, 38%) indicated not being able to control appetite. being a barrier to their weight loss, the “non-hunger barrier ALwO” group (3,295, 62%) did not indicate this.

Appetite-inhibited ALwO were more likely to be female (47% vs 42%), to be in the oldest age group (16–17 years; 49% vs 41%), have obesity class II (27% vs 18) %), and have more overweight direct relatives than the non-appetite inhibited ALwO group (overweight mother: 31% vs 24%; overweight father: 29% vs 21%). However, appetite-inhibiting ALwO were less likely to be class I (60% vs 68%) and class III (12% vs 14%) obese.

Hunger-inhibited ALwO viewed their weight more negatively. More appetite-inhibiting ALwO believed their weight was above normal than non-appetite inhibiting ALwO (90% vs 68%) and were less satisfied with their weight (14% vs 38%). Hunger Barriers ALwO were more likely to say that their weight made them unhappy (56% vs. 36%), less likely to be proud of their body (15% vs. 38%), and more likely to say that their They are bullied because of their weight (28% vs. 22%).

Others who saw hunger as a barrier to weight loss were also more likely to be concerned about their weight and its impact on health.

A greater proportion of hunger-disruptors were somewhat, very, or extremely concerned about their weight (85% vs. 64%) or were “very” worried about their weight affecting their future health (44% vs. 32%). %) was affecting. -Hunger barrier always.

Survey responses also revealed that appetite-inhibitor ALwO users were more likely to be actively trying to lose weight. A greater proportion of appetite-inhibiting ALwO had attempted to lose weight in the past year (70% vs 51%), improved their eating habits (51% vs 35%), became more physically active (37% vs. 32%) ), recorded the foods they ate (23% vs. 14%), a nutritionist/dietitian (21% vs. 13%) or an obesity/weight management doctor (20% vs. 9%), compared to the non-appetite-inhibitor Always.

More appetite-inhibitor ALwO indicated they were likely to attempt to lose weight over the next 6 months (42% vs. 36%). Although only 6% of adolescents in both groups had taken prescription weight management medication in the past year, the ALwO group with appetite-inhibition was more likely to say they would feel comfortable taking weight management medication following an HCP recommendation (44)% vs. 35%).

The survey also looked at the type of food available in the household and the habits of the household. A significantly higher proportion of appetite-suppressor ALwO than non-appetite-suppressor ALwO indicated that most commonly fruits and vegetables (61% vs 47%), sweet snacks such as sweets and biscuits (55% vs 36%) , and sweetened beverages, including soft drinks, fruit juice and energy drinks (53% vs. 35%), are available in their home.

Compared to non-appetite inhibiting ALwOs, significantly more appetite-inhibiting ALwOs indicated that they/their family frequently ordered takeaway (37% vs. 24%), while fewer said their family liked to exercise together. does (18% vs. 21%). Appetite-inhibiting ALwOs were more likely to say that their family was open and supportive in helping them lose weight (38% versus 25%).

The researchers concluded that there is an association between the perception that an inability to control appetite is a barrier to weight loss and adolescents’ awareness of their obesity status, dissatisfaction with their bodies, and engagement in weight-management behaviors. .

“Many people living with obesity have impaired appetite regulation, with food having less effect on the systems that inhibit eating behavior,” says Dr. Bin-Abbas. “Appetite is not reduced as a result. This makes it feel like food is controlling you and makes it very difficult to resist the urge to eat. This may mean that hunger is a factor in more unsuccessful weight loss attempts and Weight loss is associated with greater feelings of failure and lack of self-worth.”

Professor Jason Halford, president of the European Association for the Study of Obesity, head of the school of psychology at the University of Leeds and one of the study’s authors, says: “Healthcare providers need to be aware that uncontrollable hunger is caused by the biology of the body. Obesity is a real barrier to weight loss and steps must be taken to help youth overcome it.

“They should also be mindful of the lack of self-worth, anxiety, and other negative feelings that may be associated with it. In the meantime, youth who struggle to lose weight because of hunger should not view it as a personal failure.” should rather seek health care advice.” ,