Vadodara’s score improved to 156. Vadodara News – Times of India

Vadodara: Vadodara sees improvement in its scoreboard as Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ,ICAI) on Wednesday declared the results of the CA Foundation level examinations which were conducted in June this year.
Out of 540 students who appeared in the Foundation level examinations from Vadodara, 156 students have passed their exams – making their way to advance to the Intermediate level of Chartered Accountancy. Along with this the pass percentage of Vadodara region is 28.89%.
Last time, 815 students appeared in the CA Foundation exams, out of which 196 eventually passed their exams giving 24.4% results. Baroda Branch Western India Chartered Accountants Students Association of ICAI Awarded to all the students who passed the exam during the day. The Vadodara branch president said, “The results are encouraging as the pass percentage of Vadodara has improved as compared to the previous examination.” Rikin Patel,