Watch: Man did risky fire stunt, beard caught fire

The dateless video was posted by an Instagram user Ravi Patidar

A stunt performed by a man went horribly wrong. The video of the incident is now going viral on the internet. It shows a man standing on a stage with a stick of fire in a puja pandal in his hand. Moments later, the man takes a sip of petrol and blows it towards the fire.

In an unexpected turn of events, his beard catches fire as he throws the stick on the ground. Passers-by immediately rushed to his aid and put out the fire by slapping his face several times. The video without the date was posted by an Instagram user Ravi Patidar. It is not clear where the video was filmed.

Watch the video here:

The fiery video, posted on October 6, has garnered 12.3 million views on Instagram along with several comments. Social media users expressed concern and criticized the man for performing such deadly stunts. One user wrote, “it’s fire don’t play with fire you will get burnt (Don’t play with fire, you will get burnt.” Another user wrote, “Brother, you can lose your life like this, please take care.”

A third user commented, “Very dangerous stunt not everyone should do it. (This is a very difficult stunt, not everyone should do it.)

Meanwhile, an 18-year-old man’s “fire haircut” went horribly wrong with severe burns at a salon in Gujarat’s Valsad district’s Vapi town.

The ‘fire haircut’, which has gained popularity in recent years, is a process in which a barber or barber uses fire to set a client’s hair in style.

The incident took place on Wednesday in which the fire in the man’s hair got out of control as part of the process.

The man suffered serious injuries to his neck and chest and was immediately rushed to the hospital.

According to preliminary information, the police said that some kind of chemical was applied on his head for the ‘fire haircut’, due to which his upper body was severely burnt.

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