WATCH: Singer Helps Hungry Man, What Happened Next Will Surprise You

“Perform a random act of kindness without expecting a reward, secure in the knowledge that one day someone may do the same for you!” Princess Diana’s wise words hold especially true today. We often encounter these random type of gestures by internet users. Recently, a similar heart-wrenching video is trending on the internet. A small act of kindness has caused the video to go viral. We all knew that food has the power to bring smiles on people, but this time it brought good luck too! A British singer was performing on the street when she saw a man taking out food from the dustbin. His reaction to his behavior has won the hearts of people around the world.

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Singer Liv Harland saw a man taking out old chicken nuggets from the trash and stopped her performance to help. She asked him if she would give him money, would he buy fresh food for himself and he answered yes. He gave her money which she earned by performing on the street all day. This gesture made the day for the hungry man and he was so grateful for it! Minutes later, an onlooker witnessing such an act doubled the amount given to the starving man Liv Harland! Doesn’t that sound amazing?! The singer managed to capture this priceless moment on camera. Take a look:

She captioned the video, “Karma is a great thing! Always be kind and kindness comes back.” This karmic experience shared by Liv Harland has left netizens in awe! The video has garnered 117k views and 13,015 likes on Instagram. By feeding a man without expecting anything in return, Liv Harland was rewarded for her good deed. This incident reminds us that a small gesture like feeding the hungry can always do good for the world, even if we may not initially think so. How do you feel after learning about this act of kindness? Tell us in the comments section below!
