Watch: Wildlife photographer captures intense moment leopard spots him

The clip has garnered over 244,000 likes and over 2.4 million views.

Nature is a gift that keeps on giving. Now, thanks to the Internet, we have the opportunity to explore aspects of our environment, flora and fauna, that we would not otherwise be able to see. The latest in the list of such popular nature posts is a video of a leopard that has sent social media users into a tizzy.

This video, which is now going viral, has been shared by wildlife photographer Shaj Jung on Instagram. In the short clip, a gorgeous big cat can be seen lying down, licking his paw peacefully. And then in an instant she looks straight at the camera and spots the photographer hiding behind the bushes.

In the caption of the post, Jung wrote, “The eye of the leopard, among the leaves, is always watching, always your first observer.”

Watch the video below:

Mr Jung had shared the video a few days back but he did not reveal the location where it was shot. Nevertheless, internet users were quick to react to the clip. He flooded the comments section with all kinds of emojis. While some called the clip “absolutely mesmerizing”, others asked how the photographer was able to record the video without being attacked by the wild animal.

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One user wrote, “How do you take these videos without getting attacked.” “Ever stalked anyone? Lol looks like he has his eye on you,” joked another.

A third user commented, “That footage, absolutely unbelievable”. “Oh my god! This is unbelievable, how do you capture these crazy shots? Don’t they attack?!? Just curious @shaazjung,” asked another.

“Scary and beautiful at the same time!” A user wrote.

Since being posted, the clip has collected over 244,000 likes and over 2.4 million views.

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