Weight Loss Tips: How To Avoid Weight Gain During The Festive Season

Weight Loss Tips: The festive season is upon us and from today the nation will celebrate Ganeshotsav for the next 10 days. Then soon it will be time for Navratri and Durga Puja, while October will also see festivals like Diwali and Bhai Dooj. Christmas and New Year are not far away. The diverse and multi-cultural India has a lot of festivals and while different festivals are celebrated in different ways, feasts are a common point of all the festivals. During the festive season, we eat a lot of sweets and fried food. And that automatically means gaining those extra kilos which of course is not easy, unless we take immediate action. Sarabani Mukherjee, Team Leader, Department of Dietetics, Fortis Hospital, Anandapur, Kolkata, Share with us some tips to avoid excessive weight gain during the festive months.

Weight Management During Festive Months: Tips

Eat more food rich in antioxidants. Berries, fruits, nuts and leafy vegetables will not only help in terms of weight but will also make your skin glow. If you are exercising extensively, not only do you lose weight but also lack minerals and vitamins. Food rich in antioxidants will help to balance that too.
Try to pay attention to small things even when you are eating. reduce the consumption of food containing extra calories; Avoid carbonated drinks as much as possible. Avoid sugar and sugar-rich items and instead choose healthy fruits that contain natural sugar.
Milk and milk products are an important part of our festivals. So even if you cannot avoid them completely, go for low-fat or double-toned milk. Avoid full cream milk.
Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, so include them in your diet regularly.
– Drink sufficient amount of water. Water will improve metabolism, and flush out toxins.
Since it is difficult to go on a diet during the festive season and say no to those delicious dishes, exercise regularly. While you’re jumping the pandal, see if it’s possible to walk. It will make sure to walk and every step counts.
– You can choose from South Indian food, Chinese cuisine, Steamed Momos, Clear Soup and Gravy when you are dining out.