Weight Loss Tips: Replace White Sugar With These 5 Alternatives

New Delhi: White sugar also known as granulated sugar or table sugar is made from refined sugarcane. Granulated white sugar and other natural sugars are sweeteners used in all kinds of foods, including baked goods, sweetened drinks and savory dishes. White sugar is a highly processed commodity, and with busy lifestyles, it is best to consume nutrient-rich foods. Since white sugar is refined, consuming too much of it can lead to obesity, excess abdominal fat, diabetes and heart disease. It can also cause depression, dementia, liver disease and some types of cancer.

Dr. Rohini Patil, MBBS, Nutritionist, and CEO of NutraCy Lifestyle shares five alternatives to white sugar:

Stevia: Stevia is natural, unlike other sugar substances that are made from the leaves of the stevia plant. It has zero calories and is sweeter than sugar. Replacing sugar with stevia can help prevent weight gain and reduce blood sugar levels. Stevia proves to be very good for people with diabetes. Take it throughout the day so that the carbs increase.

Dates: Dates are one of the best natural sweeteners. They are a source of fructose, which means a natural type of sugar found in fruits. Dates are high in fiber, nutrients, potassium, iron and manganese, which help in the formation of protein in the body and benefit the fiber in your digestive system by preventing constipation. They are not only nutritious but also delicious, which means it is easy and easy to incorporate into your diet.

Honey: Honey is rich in calories and contains important minerals and vitamins like calcium, potassium, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6. It has a lower GI value than sugar and contains antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey’s compounds like polyphenols help control inflammation in the body. It can also eliminate fungus and unwanted bacteria. Since honey is very sweet you may need less of it than white sugar. You can also take honey to ease cough and sore throat

Jaggery: Jaggery has more nutrients than sugar because of the amount of jaggery in it. Now you must be wondering what is jaggery? It is a nutritional byproduct of the sugar making process, which is often removed when making refined sugar. Additionally, it also maintains electrolyte balance and helps prevent water retention due to its potassium content.

Brown sugar: Brown sugar has fewer calories than white sugar. It contains various micronutrients such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, copper and vitamin B-6, which are very important for a healthy body. The molasses present in brown sugar can help boost metabolism.

Nothing happens in a day, everything takes time. Changing your long-standing habit is hard but not impossible. Take your time and start making this change slowly. High-sugar diets can increase the risk of disease and affect your health. Replacing refined sugar with the above sweeteners may reduce the risk but ultimately it is not a good idea to consume too much of anything be it honey, jaggery or any of the above. So take it in moderation and be consistent.

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