What is badam maa? How not to be an almond mom

The Internet can be an interesting place for everyone. Every day, we come across different unique content which leaves us amazed, amused and at times even amazed. There are viral videos, interesting news from around the world and much more. Then there are the fad diet stories, taking the internet by storm. A strange term we have come across recently is ‘almond mother’. Yes, you guessed it! It has something to do with almonds, diet and mothers. Now you must be wondering where did the term ‘almond mother’ come from! Its roots can be found in a clip from the popular reality show ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’. In one episode, you can find a diet conversation between Yolanda Hadid and her now-supermodel (then-teenage) daughter gigi hadid, When Gigi tells her mother, “I’m feeling really weak. I had like half an almond,” Yolanda replies, “Take a couple of almonds, and chew them well.” And thus was born the term ‘almond mom’.

Read also: Why soaked almonds are better than raw almonds?

What is the definition of almond mother. According to Urban Dictionary what is Badam Maa:

According to health experts, ‘badam maa’ is a phenomenon where mothers go through ‘fatophobia’ and form an unhealthy relationship with food. Reportedly, the term was coined by a website called Self, where moms become extra conscious about the food you eat and feel guilty for making you feel hungry.

According to several media outlets, the term has gone viral again with social media platforms campaigning against the phenomenon under the hashtag #AlmondMom. People are now speaking out against the ‘almond mom’ syndrome to help create a healthier relationship between food and people.

How Not To Be An ‘Almond Mom’ | How to prevent ‘almond mom’ syndrome:

The only way to stop yourself from becoming an ‘almond mom’ is to maintain a clean and nutritious diet. We have got you some quick and easy tips to promote healthy eating habits.

1. Separate the good and bad foods:

To promote healthy eating habits it is important to recognize what is good food and what is bad. From childhood, children should be used to labeling fruits and vegetables as ‘good food’ and cookies as ‘bad food’. This will help prevent weight gain, and create a healthy relationship between food and people.

2. Involve children in food preparation:

Several studies have found that children who are involved in daily meal preparation are less picky (while eating). It helps them learn about nutrition, healthy eating habits and much more.

3. Prepare a Diet Plan:

According to experts, it is always better to plan meals in advance. This not only helps in keeping your food clean but also gives you an opportunity for sinful indulgences. In such a situation, people pay more attention to being healthy and think (or talk) less about gaining weight.

Have you ever seen someone with Almond Mom Syndrome? Tell us in the comments below.

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