What would it be like from an environmental point of view:

Childhood Satyapal Childhood


According to this plan, this plan will be as it is, as it will be (based on the will) according to the program of the Jat society,” if Bhagya said: its

this also further

“Mere to chalein” (the governor)… said, “The prime minister is having some fun with how he is a bounty, Tagan is becoming barrard.”

‘The strike is over’, the farmer’s crop is over….

Being eco-friendly, “when it is eco-friendly, it suits him.”

It was also said that he had done so. when you (prime minister)

There was a meeting on Adani Corporation, how the Prime Minister had said that they were being barbaric.

It is also said that (the logo of Kotorpot) does not change any respect…

(Line for the headline, this kind of team said the team, it’s Cindy said Dr.