when life gives a second chance

Hero in the morning and villain in the evening. A slice of life from Lucknow

Hero in the morning and villain in the evening. A slice of life from Lucknow

This year it was a Tuesday in May. Every Tuesday of the Hindu month of Jyeshtha, corresponding to May, is celebrated as Bada Mangal in Lucknow. Meaning Bada Tuesday, Bada Mangal is specific to the city and is dedicated to Hanuman.

Food stall at the function ( inventory:) Serving free food ( Offering) across town. According to folklore, Bada Mangal has its roots in the family of the then Nawabs of Lucknow, which is why many consider it a classic example of Ganga-Jamuni. tehzeeb, Today people from different communities participate in this cultural heritage of the city.

the city was packed on tuesday Bhandarasi, and the festivities were at their peak. In the afternoon a crowd of people gathered near my house. A young man from my locality caught a pickpocket inventory:, The police arrived in no time, and it was discovered that the pickpocket had several debit cards and phones.

The young man who caught the thief was the hero of the time. Everyone praised him and some even brought garlands for him. The police asked him to accompany them to the police station to record the statement. So he went to take a bath, put on nice clothes, clicked pictures and then left with the police. People soon returned to their businesses.

plot twist

During the evening, I heard the noise again. When I went outside, I found that “Hero” and his uncle had a fight. In the midst of an altercation, the young man slapped his uncle, causing minor injuries. This was too much for the uncle who immediately called the police. Then, the police appeared in no time, but this time to arrest the young man. He was once again taken to the police station, but this time without any respect. All this happened so quickly that the onlookers did not have time to draw any conclusions.

But after some time people started discussing the events of the day. Most of them were amazed by the twist of the plot that happened in a single day, but some were a little concerned for the young boy. Those who garlanded him in the afternoon were trying to come up with rational justifications for their earlier behaviour.

Although he returned the night before as the two sides had reached an agreement, he avoided the public for a few days.

After this, when it cooled down a bit, people tried to help her overcome the embarrassment. The elders talked to him about how he should control his nerves, as he did not seem to be a bad man. They were provided with a safe space to speak their heart out and share their side of the story. Uncle remembered how he could have handled this whole episode with more maturity and understanding. The quarrel mainly started over a property dispute, but people said that the matter should not have turned violent.

next tuesday, again a big mangal, organized our territory inventory:who passed away peacefully. In this both the young man and his uncle participated with great enthusiasm.

Some people deserve a second chance, even if it forces us to compromise on some of our ideals to some degree.

In the words of Robert Frost, “Nothing can remedy injustice except mercy.”
