Why are sprouts good for immunity? Main Benefits Explained

Sprouts are one of the OG superfoods. Long before the term “superfood” was coined, sprouts were recognized for their many health benefits. Germination is when the seeds germinate after being soaked. We start seeing white root-like fibers, which result in fibers coming out of them. The most commonly eaten sprouts are bean and lentil sprouts. Most of us consume sprouts in bulk, thus taking advantage of the minerals of each component. Black beans, soybeans, millet, buckwheat, mung beans, lentils, barley, quinoa, chickpeas – all of these can be consumed in the form of sprouts as well. Including sprouts in your daily diet is one of the best ways strengthen your immune system, here’s why:

Benefits of Sprouts for Immunity:

Your immune system requires a consistent intake of a variety of nutrients. Sprouts help in this regard as they not only contain these nutrients but also aid in proper digestion of other food items. Sprouts contribute to the overall protection and functioning of the body as a whole. It helps to balance your system to fortify it against illness. Here are some other reasons why sprouts are good for your immune system:

  • When grains are soaked, their tannin and phytic acid content decreases. Thus, sprouts allow better absorption of nutrients in the body.
  • The process of sprouting increases the vitamins and minerals present in unsprouted plants. As a result, sprouts are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamin K.
  • Studies have shown that the process of sprouting also increases the fiber, protein and most importantly – antioxidants – content in sprouts. Antioxidants like Copper, Iron and Zinc [which are all found in sprouts] Known to improve the body’s defense against diseases and bacteria.
  • These minerals also help in regulating the count of red blood cells in the body. These cells are believed to influence your immune system’s response.
  • Sprouts are packed with vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system. Vitamin C is said to protect you from many types of infections and viruses that can attack your body.

Read also: 13 Best Sprouts Recipes: From Salads to Jalfrezi and More

Sprouts are packed with various nutrients. Image credit: iStock

Other health benefits of sprouts:

Helps Manage Cholesterol:

The omega-3 fatty acids present in sprouts make them ideal for people looking to increase their intake of good cholesterol.

Good for Your Eyes:

Sprouts contain Vitamin A and consuming them is considered beneficial. improve your vision for longer.

May help with weight loss:

Being rich in fibre, sprouts keep you full for longer. They are also low in calories, so they should be included in your weight loss diet.

Removes stomach problem:

Their fiber content makes sprouts a food that is great for your gut. They are also said to reduce acidity by stabilizing the pH level in your stomach.

Great for Your Hair:

Sprouts can help fight dandruff and premature graying of your hair. They also encourage healthy hair growth by supplying the scalp with vital nutrients.

(Also Read: How To Make Tasty Handi Corn Vegetable at home)

Sprouts can be eaten raw or added to a variety of vegetable, salad and soup preparations. Include sprouts in your diet Today!

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About Toshita SawhneyToshita is inspired by the play of words, wanderlust, awe and alliteration. When she’s not blissfully thinking about her next meal, she enjoys reading novels and walking around town.