Why Natural Ingredients Are Best for Skincare

Skincare has become a part of our daily ritual, especially for women. If you want to have glowing and healthy skin then everyone should follow skincare. Skincare products mainly include cleanser, toner and moisturizer (known as CTM) and you need to use these products regularly for healthy skin.

However, finding a product that suits your skin can be a daunting task as most of the products contain chemicals and at times have side effects too.

Some products can sometimes be too harsh for the skin. Hence, to avoid the side effects and any adverse effects on your skin, experts recommend opting for herbal products and natural ingredients for skin care. Traditionally in India, many natural ingredients have been used for skin care and they are safe.

In a recent interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Suraj Shetty, Dermatologist at Cetaphil, explained how when we use out-of-market products, we sometimes get skin irritation, acne, redness or even skin irritation. That can get unwanted skin infections like inflammation.

He explained that the two most important factors you should look for in a skincare product are Vitamin E and Vitamin B5. According to Dr. Shetty, even on extremely dry, cracked skin, these vitamins help in moisturizing and reducing irritation.

“The natural texture of the skin can be damaged by preservatives, fragrances and soaps, leading to various unwanted skin problems like irritation, redness and rashes. Vitamins are the wonders of skin care because, apart from nourishing the skin, they also help reduce redness,” Dr Shetty told Hindustan Times Lifestyle.

According to Natasha Tuli, CEO and Chief Formulator, SoulFlower, natural ingredients and organic products are beneficial on the skin because they do not have any side effects. She also advised that natural ingredients be backed up by science, ancient customs, and diligent research.

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