Woman gets sandwich with ‘B***h’ written on it, restaurant responds like this

Names written on food packets are not a new thing. However, things got a little out of control for this Twitter user who found ‘b***h’ written on her recent sandwich order. This obviously didn’t go over well with her, and she became angry. The user then decided to speak to the manager of the restaurant and report the incident.

The clarification he got from the manager was definitely an ROFL moment for him and everyone who came across his post on Twitter. Sharing the tweet, he wrote, “I took my sandwich out of the bag and I saw this! I went back and talked to the manager and asked for clarification. He seemed confused, so I pointed to the writing and asked if someone Why felt the need to write this? He replied, “Because you ordered a BLT with cheese?”

Have a look at the tweet:

Twitter users were quick to react to the incident and share their personal experiences in the comments section. One Twitter user wrote, “Reminds me of the time I got the manager from a bank all hysterical about inappropriate religious references because the trans receipt said ‘Thank you Jesus’ at the bottom. My teller was a Hispanic man. It was his The name was

Another user commented, “Many moons ago, I worked at a cafe and when a customer asked for a glass of tap water with their meal, I instinctively abbreviated it to ‘T’ on their order.” Will give. Watt.'”

A third user wrote, “I once got a taco that was labeled ‘sh*t’. It was an acronym for something else (can’t remember what), but we all still sh*t.” t laugh about tacos.

According to the comments, this certainly wasn’t the first time that a restaurant has made a mistake like this. So, have you faced similar situations?

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