Wondering what to do this Friendship Day? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered

New Delhi [India], Aug 1 (ANI): What is it that adds color to our lives? What do we expect every day? Who do we turn to in our darkest hours? Yes we are talking about friendship. These are the most beautiful relationships that we have in our lives.

A well-nourished friendship can make a huge difference in people’s mental health and can be a great source of comfort. Spending some good time with friends not only gives you lifetime memories, but you also learn valuable life lessons.

On this Friendship Day, we bring you some fun and entertaining activities that you can do with your friends:

travel together

Traveling to places of your interest is one of the most fun things to do. Apart from exploring new places, you also get a chance to strengthen your bond with your friend. From planning activities to dining out together, it really gives you so much needed time to catch up. You can go hiking in the hills, soak up some sunshine on the beaches, get some adventure in wildlife safaris or just relax in the countryside. Whatever the choice, fun times are definitely guaranteed.

play location-based games

Games are a great way to connect with your friends. Outdoor games in particular not only give you a chance to have fun with your friends but also keep your physical health in check. One of these games is ‘Pokémon Go’, which has several features such as Raid Battles that allow players to meet in real locations and collaborate to catch special Pokémon. You can also build an in-game community with other people in that space, play together, and develop strong bonds.

Planning Picnics and Pot-Luck Meals

Picnics and good food provide a great way for friends and family to get together and walk around. You can go to your favorite park or lakeside and enjoy good food!

give back to society

There are always ways you can meet up with your friends and engage in some sort of social service. Collective efforts directed towards the greater good bring out the best in people and lead to deeper bonds. You can go to old age homes, orphanages, or do some other type of community service. The end result is always very rewarding.

catch up on movies

No points for guessing how fun it is to capture movies. Be it rom-coms, action-packed, thriller, or any other genre, they always give you an experience that you will cherish. So, grab those popcorn and head straight to the theatres. (ANI)

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