World First Aid Day 2022: Theme, History, Significance and Essentials You Must Include in a Medical Kit

World First Aid Day 2022: The second Saturday of September is designated as World First Aid Day. This day is celebrated to raise awareness among the people about how first aid can save lives. This year, World First Aid Day will be observed on 10 September. Everyone should know how to perform basic first aid. Also, being aware of what needs to be done during a medical emergency is always a plus. First aid is the emergency treatment given to an injured person until appropriate medications and support can be offered.

World First Aid Day: History

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) established World First Aid Day in 2000, and the organization has been providing first aid services for over 100 years. The origins of this day can be traced back to 1859 when a young businessman named Henry Dunant helped wounded soldiers during the Battle of Solferino.

World First Aid Day 2022: Theme

According to IFRC, the theme of World First Aid Day 2022 is “Lifelong First Aid”. This topic emphasizes the importance of lifelong first aid learning.

World First Aid Day: Significance

Due to lack of immediate medical care, millions of people and animals are injured and die every year. As a result, learning first aid can help prevent major incidents by providing immediate care until professional help arrives.

More than 100 Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world organize events and events to educate the public about the value of first aid in both normal circumstances and emergency situations. Everyone, especially children and the most vulnerable, should have access to first aid education, and make it part of a larger development strategy.

In accordance with Strategy 2030, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is dedicated to expanding its first aid programs so that each national association around the world is equipped to prepare communities for everyday risks from accidents as well as .

A first aid kit is a must for everyone

Depending on one’s health issues, things can be added or removed in the medical kit as per the requirement and situation. However, these are some essential items that should always be included in a first aid kit.

  1. a first aid manual
  2. compressive dressing absorbent
  3. Bandages with adhesive (assorted sizes)
  4. adhesive cloth tape roll
  5. pack of antibiotic ointment
  6. antiseptic wipes pouch
  7. aspirin packets (81 mg each)
  8. blanket for emergency
  9. latex free gloves
  10. packet hydrocortisone ointment
  11. gauze roll (roller) bandage
  12. strip roller
  13. sterile gauze pad
  14. digital thermometer

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