World Hypertension Day 2023: How stress and poor brain health can lead to high blood pressure- Expert Answers

World Hypertension Day: In this fast-paced world, stress has become a natural part of life; Stress has dangerous effects on the social, mental and physical well-being of mankind.

Dr Pawan Ojha, Director-Neurology, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vasan spoke to Zee English on the occasion of World Hypertension Day.

“Stress causes the release of stress hormones – corticosteroids, which puts the human machinery on a catabolic phase, making it prone to over-controlling hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which act as a precursor to increased blood pressure.” Works as intended,” comments Dr. Ojha.

If you have raised blood pressure, it indirectly harms your brain health, as raised blood pressure damages brain cells by disrupting the precise hemodynamic balance maintained by the blood-brain barrier, which leads to death of brain cells. There is an increase in death. It disrupts vital signals in the brain, leading to several brain diseases such as stroke and neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Another way that stress can harm the brain is by reducing sleep, as sleep acts as a detoxifier for the human body. Poor sleep or fragmented sleep increases stress hormones, which directly causes increased blood pressure and proportionately damages the brain. Finally, poor brain health, stress and high blood pressure all act in a vicious cycle, making it difficult for the body to maintain harmony with the environment.

So we need to put in a lot of effort to cope up with all this in our busy lifestyle. In other words

– We should follow stress management techniques in the form of meditation, deep breathing exercises and meditation. Five minutes of meditation will improve your mood for the day

We should do regular aerobic exercise, as studies have shown that as little as 10 minutes of exercise releases enough dopamine levels in the brain to keep you happy for a day.

A balanced diet rich in seasonal fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and positive millets provides essential nutrients for proper brain development

– quality of sleep; At least 8 hours of sleep is essential, as we have an old saying “early to bed, early to rise makes us healthy, wealthy and wise” and late night shifts should be avoided as they are silent killers

We must have social support, socialize with other people, and build relationships. Taking the support of loved ones can reduce stress to a great extent.

Drink plenty of water, because lack of water makes us sad, tired and more stressed

In conclusion, Dr. Pawan Ojha says, “Understanding the impact of chronic stress on poor brain health and high blood pressure is key to implementing preventive measures and effectively managing this widespread health issue.”

By prioritizing brain health, engaging in stress reduction techniques, and adopting a healthy lifestyle, individuals can reduce their risk of high blood pressure, which can lead to improved overall well-being and a healthier future.