World Mental Health Day 2022: Expert tips about mental health on dating

While we are slowly getting better at talking about mental health, these conversations can be difficult to navigate with our relationships when we are dating, and even with established partners. – Those who see us as the weakest. The stigma, long associated with seeking help or fear of being emotionally vulnerable, can keep people from opening up about their mental health and wellbeing when dating.

Fear of feeling judged or not understood are some of the reasons why people often don’t open up about their mental health on the first few dates. It is important to remember that our mental health is just as important as our physical health.

Gen Z and younger millennials in India, however, are becoming more aware and open about mental health conversations, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic. A recent Bumble study shows that a growing trend of people prioritizing their mental health over relationships has led to more than half (52%) of single Indians surveyed saying they are willing to be open about their mental health. Will encourage the person they are dating. In fact, more women (57%) than men (51%) claimed they would encourage their partner to be open about their mental health. In fact, the study also found that more than three quarters (77%) of single Indians surveyed find people who go to therapy open to discussing and exploring therapy.

Ruchika Kanwal, clinical psychologist, comments, “Phrases like “Are you delusional?”, “You’re so hysterical”, “Don’t be so manic” are some mental health phrases that are used casually in our everyday conversations. We need to be more aware of ourselves, and such words should not be used so casually. Using such phrases to describe a person when remembering an event or A difference of opinion or omission in heated debate is not justified as these are mental health conditions that may require specialist diagnosis and in some cases intervention, if necessary.

While it’s not always easy to discuss such a difficult but important topic to discuss when dating, it’s important to reflect on what values ​​matter most to you. Kanwal suggests asking yourself if you would respect someone who may show your emotional vulnerability, if they do then they are opening up to you and perhaps they will respect your truthfulness as well. She adds, “Talking about your mental health should not be a reason for someone to accept or reject you. Allowing someone to see you as a complete person with your strengths and weaknesses and with you It is necessary to make a favorable choice to live in.”

Here are some ways to help you reach mental health when you’re dating someone:

There will never be a right time to disclose and discuss, but there will always be a right time to share

Whenever you feel ready and feel a connection, you may want to reveal that you are going through something and processing it. If the other person wants to know more, you can share as much as you feel comfortable with. Also, if they need information about your diagnosis, you can suggest articles and links to help them better educate them instead of looking for unreliable information on the Internet.

Going to therapy is a sign of commitment, not of weakness

Working on your mental health is a commitment you make to become better, and that in itself is a sign of strength. In fact, the more openly people talk about mental health, the greater is the acceptance of reaching out to people to seek professional help.

be thankful

Expressing gratitude to your connection or partner for listening patiently should not go unnoticed. If your partner talks about their mental health, don’t forget to thank them for trusting you and opening up to you. Whether you have a mental health problem or not, it is important to value and nurture your relationship.

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