5 Signs of Iron Deficiency on Skin, Hair and Nails

Iron is needed by the human body to make hemoglobin, which in turn enables red blood cells to carry oxygen through blood vessels. Nevertheless, iron deficiency, which occurs when the body does not have enough of the mineral iron, is considered the most common nutritional deficiency in humans. Iron deficiency in the body, called anemia, results in a lack of oxygen to the tissues and muscles, hindering their proper functioning. It causes various symptoms majorly affecting the skin, hair and nails. Several symptoms on the skin, hair and nails indicate the possibility of an iron deficiency.

hair fall

Iron deficiency makes it difficult for oxygen to be carried throughout the body. As a result, the growth of nails and hair is inhibited. One may also notice that their hair is thinning and falling out. If you notice your hair falling out around the hairline, crown, and hairline, it could be a sign of a serious iron deficiency. This becomes more apparent when the hair is wet or you are standing in a bright place.

dry and damaged hair

Hair becomes dry and damaged due to iron deficiency. As the hemoglobin level decreases, the hair cells do not receive enough oxygen for effective hair growth.

yellowing inside the eyelids

The inside of the eyelids is usually bright red. However, with moderate to severe levels of iron deficiency, the inside of the eyelids turn yellow. This is the first thing doctors check for when looking for signs of iron deficiency.

brittle nails

Another sign of iron deficiency is brittle nails or koilonychia. Iron deficiency can easily lead to chipping and chipping of your nails, which then develop an ingrown shape with a dip in the middle and edges.

pale skin

The rosy pink or pale red color on your palms or your cheeks is caused by the hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Iron deficiency causes your skin to turn yellow.

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