7 fitness tips for 2023: Be persistent, track progress and educate yourself

The expansion of the health and fitness sector has generally changed the way people look at exercise and its importance in daily life. The post-pandemic era has inspired many people to start practicing healthy habits such as frequent walking, light exercise, yoga, Pilates, strength and resistance training, and more. There is a renewed emphasis on personal well-being. Scientific research has increased health awareness and concern, giving many people an important place to start. Additionally, the increasing prevalence of sedentary living, poor diet and lifestyle diseases are forcing individuals across the globe to recognize the critical need to adopt healthy behaviours.

Here are some tips to start 2023 that can go a long way in gaining the momentum needed to continue following a healthy lifestyle:

Focus on Hydrating Properly

Water is an essential, life-sustaining resource. Low body water levels can make workouts feel harder, hinder performance and prolong recovery periods. Water helps regulate body temperature while facilitating the transport of essential micronutrients to muscles and organs. It helps maintain energy levels, and acts as a lubricant for joints, easing movement and improving performance. Water also helps maintain blood pressure while exercising and aids in the removal of waste from the body. Thus, it is imperative that a person focuses on their hydration for timely recovery and proper physical functioning.

start small and persevere

The ‘all-or-nothing’ attitude so popular today can be overwhelming for most people. In reality, numerous studies have proven that intensity matters less than duration when trying to get results and unlock the long-term benefits of exercise. Therefore, it becomes essential for people to make daily efforts, even if it means keeping the workout routine moderate or light in intensity. The goal is to relax the brain, and de-stress the body in a good way, while indulging in an influx of hormones and endorphins.

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Visualize and log workouts

The power of clear intentions can greatly help a person to realize their goals and achieve desired results efficiently. Creating a roadmap that includes the big picture, and all the necessary small steps needed to bring that picture to life can be a game-changer. For example, weekly progress can be tracked through progressive overloading for strength training, which can also serve to motivate a person because they are able to track their progress on a regular basis.

don’t overdo it

When starting a new routine, keep the workouts challenging, tailored to your individual abilities. The need to recover properly is just as important as getting better at the gym, or at any other alternative to sports and exercise. Incorporating rest days, break weeks, massage therapy sessions and other activities can be of great benefit to long-term fitness goals.

educate yourself

Advances in digital technologies and the Internet have fueled the availability of free and comprehensive scientific studies that can provide insightful information for the public to benefit from. Learning about cognitive and brain health, and adapting approaches to regular exercise may provide people with an opportunity to enhance their health and well-being like never before. Physical activity improves blood flow to various parts of the body, including the brain, and a well-oxygenated brain regulates the organs better which can help reduce cortisol levels and overall stress, which slows aging. May slow down memory loss and improve verbal memory, learning, and emotional control. ,

use tracking devices

The proliferation of innovative technologies has enabled access to interesting wearable devices that allow people to track various aspects of physical functioning such as heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and much more. These tools can become a useful addition to a person’s gear, allowing tracking of important and overall progress while providing visual cues that can serve to provide motivation.

expect the unexpected

In any fitness journey, it is important to remember that achieving goals is not an easy road. There will always be peaks and valleys along the way. It’s natural to slip from a routine, which happens to almost everyone, and don’t be too hard on yourself for a minor setback in the grand scheme of things. It’s what you do most of the time that counts.

(Meenakshi Mohanty, fitness expert)