In the Attack on Situation in America:

To this day people will die for this information.

High Land Park:

June 4 in the suburb of Park (Chicago suburb) in the Illinois Territory of American (USA) tho In this incident, the police have been deployed on one. The name of the crisis is Cremo which is 22 dangerous. The park, located high on the highlights, was entered after a huge security in the city. More about the Lake Farr formula information and “Dangerous Dangerous”.

this also further

There is an incident of death of people in this information till dangerous sudden in the air. Like the man, the pistol-holder shot at people in a lanyard from the shop’s roof.

Going Viral In a video on social media, High Land Park is performing better than Panic McNeapolis after the lights went off at the rate.

Many️ Many️ Many️ Many️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ They move forward, they run. In the video, the sound of a “gun key” and people shouting can be heard. They were at an event in Lake Qatar which was “in the area of ​​the road on Independence Day”. In case of updates.

VIDEO: After the murder of Umesh Kolhe in Amravati, others are also getting

(news said)