Nutritionist Mohita Mascarenhas says hair loss can be linked to weight loss diet

Last Update: January 28, 2023, 13:57 IST

In part one of the series Mohita explains how weight loss diets and excessive hair fall are linked.

Nutritionist Mohita Mascarenhas recently shared a series of posts on hair loss – its causes, treatment and tips to prevent it

Hair loss can be temporary or permanent and can be caused by hereditary factors, hormonal changes, diseases or a natural aspect of ageing. Looking at our modern lifestyle and worries, one can face the problem of hair fall. However, it may come as a surprise to many to learn that the diet you consume to reduce those extra calories can be a major factor in excessive hair loss. According to nutritionist Mohita Mascarenhas, weight loss diet can be behind hair loss.

In the first part of the series, he explains how weight loss diets and excessive hair loss are linked. She explained that in order to lose weight quickly, most people try to consume as little as possible. Also, without consulting a dietitian, people often eliminate fruits like rice, roti, potatoes, ghee and bananas from their diet. Trendy diets like intermittent fasting and keto are very common for people looking to lose weight. These techniques severely limit calories and food consumption. As a result, the body gradually receives insufficient macro and micronutrients, which leads to hair loss over time.

“This type of hair loss is commonly referred to as telogen effluvium. It is temporary and can be reversed by meeting your nutritional needs,” Mascarenhas wrote.

In the next part of the series, he elaborates on how to lose weight without experiencing hair loss. She suggests avoiding hasty weight loss attempts. She said that to balance the protein intake, we should also have a diet consisting of a mixture of grains, legumes, dairy foods, seasonal fruits, nuts and seeds.

In the third part of the series, she shared a long list of foods to reduce hair fall.

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