Six Amazing Exercises To Get Rid Of Stubborn Lower Belly Fat

It is certainly true that reducing belly fat can be a challenge that many people are ready to take up but cannot do because they are unaware of what exactly needs to be done. .

If you are one of them then this is for you, along with a balanced nutritious diet, these are the top five exercises one can follow to get rid of that stubborn lower belly fat.

  1. mountain jumping/climber
    This will also play a lot of muscles resulting in a full body workout. All you have to do is get into a high plank position with your wrists on the ground just below your shoulders. When you start jogging in that position, do not forget to keep your core tight.
  2. Burpees
    For beginners it may sound like real hell but once you get used to it you will not be able to do without it. The burpee will not only work your core but will also work your chest, triceps, lats and shoulders.
  3. leg in leg out
    This exercise may not be as easy as it looks and one needs immense stamina to achieve it. But all efforts will surely make it count. Doing it properly will target a few key areas such as the hamstrings, quads, glutes and even your upper body.
  4. crunches
    A good number of crunches will work your rectus abdominis muscles and help in tightening your abs which in turn will give it a flatter and toned look.
  5. heel touch
    This is a very simple exercise that many people can think of to include in their workout regimen. This will help you increase your flexibility, fix your core, and target the oblique muscles.
  6. Russian twist
    Save the best for last, as they say, this exercise is a favorite of every personal trainer and comes highly recommended. Remember to do this in repetitions of sets and take 15 seconds at a time between each set.

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