You’ve Seen The Elephant Whispers, Now Meet Chennai’s Unsung Animal Activists

When Bowman and Bailey took the stage to receive an award for their dedication to animal…

Watch: Forest official shares video of caged leopard being released into the wild

As soon as the officials open the cage, the wild cat runs away towards the forest.…

Watch: Leopard rescued from open well using “Mohenjodaro Harappa technology”

The location of the incident is yet to be ascertained. Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Sushant…

Heartbreaking video shows rescue of dwarf minke whale stranded on beach in Australia

Dwarf minke whale washed up at Hervey Bay beach in Australia. A group of beach goers…

Viral Video: Man skips wedding ceremony to save dog trapped in river

The Internet views the man as the “coatless hero”. To love a dog is one thing…

“Hero Level Achieved”: Internet Applauds Group of 15 People for Rescuing Camel Trapped in Quicksand

A camel was trapped in wet sand near Ras al-Khaimah in the UAE. A group of…